I Might Start Using Emacs

I thought it was le bad but maybe it is le good


When I first started using Linux, I learned Vim. In fact, I am using Vim to type this post right now. But what about Emacs? I have known about Emacs for a while, and I always thought that it was bloat, so I never felt like installing or even learning how to use it. However, I decided to look into using Emacs a little bit, and I must say, it is quite cool. Sure, it’s not just a text editor but rather an entire environment, but I could theoretically replace other programs in my workflow and just use Emacs for them. I’m not sure yet. I especially like Org mode as a concept, though I haven’t used it so I don’t know if it is good in execution. This is on top of that fact that I know it has an extensive keybind system behind it that makes it very easily configurable.

However much Emacs may seem appealing at first, I do have some requirements, which is why I have not made the switch. First, the way that Vim operates is so intuitive that I do not think about the commands I type or the keybinds I use, as the editing of text is natural. I don’t want to have to relearn how to edit text, especially when it seems like Emacs simply doesn’t adhere well to the editing philosophy of Vim. So my first requirement it Vim keybinds and maybe Vim commands too if I’m lucky. I know there is Evilmacs or whatever it’s called, but I have no interest. I do not want to have to install any extra forks or packages, I want it to be configurable form a vanilla state in just the plain config file. Someone on Matrix suggested Viper to me, but I couldn’t inquire further because the homeserver I was using, Sakura.ci, is starting to go under.

Anyways, sorry for not posting for a while, I’ve been focusing on the YouTube channel a bit more, but it’s nice to write every once in a while.